Tips, Tricks, and Timely Information about the Application Process


Narrow Your List

It’s tempting to apply to a dozen colleges or more. Think first. Application fees add up. So does anxiety! Visit schools: either in person or through virtual tours. Reach out to admissions officers and speak with students and alumni. Learn about academics, financial aid, and student life. Envision yourself at each school.

Then narrow your list to:
Two safety schools
Four-five probable schools
Two-three reaches

Here’s what one dean advises:
How to Finalize Your College List | Stephanie Balmer, Dean of Admissions, Dickinson College

Here is some additional advice from College Raptor, a college search site.

Application Anatomy 

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” 

Aristotle got it right. Use each part of your application to your advantage.

For a quick application anatomy lesson, see this simple list:
Quick Guide: The Anatomy of the College Application | The College Board 

Put Social Media to Work for you   

I used to advise students to clean up their social media presence to ensure that posts featuring parties and fun did not hurt them. Too much fun can imply that while you are the life of the party, extremely creative, and a master of funny faces, you lack the grit your college seeks.

Now, I suggest that students transform this potential pitfall into a powerful storytelling tool.
  • LinkedIn pages can highlight extracurricular experience and show passion for and commitment to a major
  • Instagram can show photos demonstrating growth, service, varied interests, and personality

Not sure if a post is questionable? Delete it!

Final step: ask you most conservative friend to review your posts and accept their advice!

What Do College Rankings Really Mean?

Various magazines, websites, and listicles publish their college rankings every year, generating a lot of anxiety from college-bound students and their families. But what are they really telling you? Should these rankings have any influence on what college you choose? And, why do they generate such anxiety?

Listen to this panel of experts from the National Association for College Admission Counseling decode the rankings.
To hear the transcript click here

Admission Trends

More and more schools are taking the test optional route. Consider this factor when you are narrowing your choices. Remember before opting out of taking standardized tests that their scores may still be considered for some national scholarships.

What Future College Students Should Know About The Current College Admission Environment
Jeannie Borin | HUFF POST |

Admissions Strategies and Tips

Seven Simple Steps

Your Application: No Place for Modesty